Identification of Microorganisms Deteriorating Textile Artifacts in Traditional Costume Cultural Heritage |
Jin Young Hong1, Young Hee Kim1, Boyeon An2 |
1Restoration Technology Division, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, Daejeon 34122, Korea 2Dept. of Clothing & Textile, Chonnam National University, Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju 61186, Korea |
Jin Young Hong, Tel: +82-42-860-9420, Email: |
Received: 23 August 2024 • Revised: 2 October 2024 • Accepted: 9 October 2024 |
Airborne fungal spores and mycelia are consistently present at a high concentrations under suitable conditions, posing a risk of microbial deterioration of textile artifacts. In this study, microorganisms were isolated from contaminated areas on four artifacts, each comprising different materials, such as silk, timber, and lumber. Sequencing analysis identified fungi as the primary cause of deterioration in all tested objects. Five species of fungi were isolated from objects A, B, and C, with five species each, and two fungi were isolated from object D. In addition, one bacterium was isolated on object A. The Aspergillus genus was detected in all objects and generally found on objects B, C, and D, whereas the Penicillium genus predominated on the surface of object A, along with a single bacterial species. Object B presented challenges in removing fungal contamination even after fumigation and several cleaning rounds. Visible fungal reproduction on textile artifacts may decrease their cultural heritage value, and contaminant removal becomes challenging, even with conservation treatments. Notably, the Aspergillus and Penicillium genera, which are known to release enzyme, are key microorganisms in organic artifact conservation. Their proteases, which are capable of degrading silk fabric, emphasize the importance of managing indoor conditions to prevent microbial contamination. |
Key Words:
Conservation conditions, Textile artifacts, Airborne fungi, Microbial deterioration, Traditional costume cultural heritages |