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Journal of Conservation Science 2010;26(4):417-427.
Published online December 20, 2010.
철지비단벌레장식금동투조유물의 제작기법에 관한 연구
용병주, 강정무, 김수기
Study on the Manufacturing Technique of Steel-Plated Jewel Beetle's Adornment and Gilt-bronze Openwork Remains
Byoung-Ju Yong, Jung-Moo Kang, Soo-Ki Kim
초 록
본 연구에서는 경주 황오동 100번지 유적에서 출토된 철지비단벌레장식금동투조유물을 대상으로 과학적 조사분석을 통한 비단벌레 날개장식의 제작기법을 연구하였다. 연구 결과 금동투조판과 철지판의 연결방법은 리벳팅을 사용하였으며, 수은아말감 기법으로 도금한 후 점선조기법으로 문양을 새긴 것으로 판단하였다. 비단벌레 날개 표면에 핀으로 고정한 흔적이 확인되었으나 재활용이나 가공 과정에 생긴 것으로 추정하였다. 단면 분석을 통해 날개 접착제로 옻칠이 사용되었을 가능성이 높다고 판단하였으며, 행엽 지판에도 부식방지를 위해 옻칠이 도포되었음을 확인하였다.
중심어: 비단벌레, 행엽, 옻칠, 제작기법
This study is to examine the manufacturing technique based on scientific investigation and analysis on Steel-Plated Jewel Beetle's Adornment gilt-bronze openwork remains excavated from No. 100 site at Hwango-dong Gyeongju. As a result of the investigation on the manufacturing revealed that riveting was adopted to connect gilt-bronze openwork plates and steel plates, followed by mercury amalgam plating method and carving of the patterns by means of the dotted line engraving technique. There were some traces on the surface of Jewel Beetle wings that show the use of pins for fixing, which seems to be the result of recycling or processing. The sectional analysis shows the high possibilities that varnishing with lacquer was adopted for wing adhesion, and it was confirmed that varnishing with lacquer was used on the strap pendant plate to prevent corrosion.
Key Words: Jewel Beetle, Strap pendant, Varnishing with lacquer, Manufacturing technique

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